Monday, February 21, 2011

hazley finn - i have a dog named rusty

Every time I do a new blog, I write the title all by myself, all the time. I'll tell you something cool about me - I can krump now. But only one type of krump, the one where you put your knuckles together and shake your hands.

I just tricked Mum with some of the glue kind of stuff the keeps your straw on your popper, I told her it was a booger, and she said is that really a booger.

Last night I did my hair all crazy. One type was like Justin Bieber, and the other maked me look like Apu from The Simpsons. It was pretty funny.

I have a Donkey Kong snugglie toy and he is massive. He is a Mario guy and he is real big. Grandma made a pillow for him and he sleeped on it last night, but he fell out of bed. I have got this song. It is called Mario's funny song...... Some Goomba once told me that Koopa's got an oooooooooooooonie, his plunger's still locked up in the woodshed. I was feeling kind of down til my brother came around with that cool looking 'L' on his forehead. He said "hey now brother, we forgot each other. Bowser's just a jerk who never had a mother." I know your plunger's locked up in that shack, so we'll knock down the door and get it back. Take one step and follow me, Ash is calling and he needs a buddy. His toilet is blocked up again, and we need to help out our friend. HEY NOW, your plumber, get your plunger - go plunge. HEY NOW, you're a rocker, get your guitar - go plunge. Bowser's stinky and old.......only superstars get the gold!!!!

Okay now I am going to go and do some things. Scratch ya later.


  1. Can you come live with me? I want to laugh every day like I am laughing right now. You are such a cheeky monkey, Haz!

  2. Hey Boofy

    Love your blog. You are the coolest dude!

    Love Dad
